Sant Malukdas 

Malukdas (Samvat. 1631 Vaishakh Badi 5 – Samvat. 1739 Vaishakh Badi 14) was a saint poet .

He was born on Vaishakh Badi 5, 1631, in the house of Kakkar Khatri Sundardas of Kara (district Allahabad ). His earlier name was ‘Mallu’ and the names of his three brothers were Harishchandra, Shringar and Ramchandra respectively. According to Mathuradas, the author of his ‘Parichayi’ and his nephew and disciple, his grandfather was Jaharmal and his great grandfather’s name was Veniram. He says that Mallu was very generous and soft hearted from his childhood and the signs of a devotee were visible in him.  His parents did not like this and with the aim of making him earn a living, they assigned him only the work of selling but he could not succeed in this and often he became more distressed on hearing the condition of blankets etc. given to the beggars. We do not have any details of the education given to the child Mallu and it is assumed that he must not have been very educated. It is said that his first guru was one Purushottam  who was the son of Devnath and later he took initiation from Murari Swami about whom he himself has said, “I found Murari ji as my true guru who put the stamp of faith on me” ( Sukhsagar p. 192).

Satguru and divine union

It is said that respected Malook Das Ji met the Supreme God at the age of 42 and took him to his Paramdham Satlok and sent him back after two days. Shri Malook Das Ji remained unconscious for two days. Then on returning from Satlok, he uttered the following Vaani:

Chant the name of Satguru Kabir in your mind.

Once the Guru played the flute and arrows of Kalandri.

The gods, men and sages got tired and the river water stopped flowing.

Leaving Kashi the Guru came to Maghar, the pain of both the religions.

Some buried him, some burnt him, but he could not find the body.

Satguru is free from four stains, his body is immortal and eternal.

Das Maluk says in his prayers, find your husband Kabir.

In this speech, mainly Kabir is mentioned and Malukdas ji has also called Kabir as Satguru and has said that Kabir is free from four stains i.e. has an immortal body that cannot be destroyed by any means, in the end he has also said Khasam i.e. Swami which proves that Malukdas ji considered Kabir as his supreme guru and God.

This also indicates that Murari is referring to Kabir ji only.

family tree

On the basis of the clues found so far, it can be said that he probably got married after the age of 12. The name of his wife is not known. While discussing his travels, only the names of places like Puri , Delhi and Kalpi are mentioned and it is assumed that he would have done most of this tourism work when he had grown old and when he had also started preaching his faith. He died on Wednesday, Vaishakh Badi 14, 1739, probably while living in Kara. After him, his nephew Ramsanehi sat on his throne and after him Krishnasanehi, Thakurdas, Gopaldas, Kunjbiharidas succeeded each other, after which this tradition could not continue.

Creations and promotion

The number of compositions of Sant Malukdas is said to be up to 21 and among them ‘Alakhbani’, ‘Gurupratap’, ‘Gyanbodh’, ‘Purushvilas’, ‘Bhagat Bachhavali’, ‘Bhagat Virudavali’, ‘Ratankhan’, ‘Ramaavatar Leela’, ‘Sakhi’, ‘Sukhsagar’ and ‘Dasratna’ are especially noteworthy. Some of these are considered to be directly related to Santmat and for others it is said that their main subject is Sagun Bhakti. On the basis of some of his selected compositions, it can be said that he had strong faith in the existence of God  and he not only gave special importance to the constant remembrance of His name, but also seemed to experience Him directly within himself. He did not know how to panic when faced with any adverse situation, rather, for the welfare of the world, he wanted to take all the sorrow upon himself.  Owing to his spiritual inclination and large-heartedness, he gradually became very famous and his teachings spread from Prayag , Lucknow etc. in Uttar Pradesh to Jaipur , Gujarat , Kabul etc. in the west and Patna and Nepal in the north and east . It is famous that one of his seats is even found in Srikakulam ( Andhra Pradesh ). But the most important centre of his followers is considered to be Kara. 

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