Dādū Dayāl

Dādū Dayāl was born into the Piñjārā/Dhuniyā caste, but later sources attempted to portray him as a Brahmin. According to Jangopāl, he was born in Ahmedabad, but other sources do not attest to this nor did Dādū Dayāl ever have any impact on the city during his lifetime. Dādū Dayāl claimed to have received visions from his guru, Bābā Būḍhāu, at the ages of 11 and 18. In 1573, his son Garībdās was born in the town of SambharRajasthan. His later children include Maskīndās, Havā, and Bāī. According to Jangopāl, his children were born without sexual intercourse with his wife, but according to Rāghavdās they were merely his first four disciples. In Sambhar, Dādū Dayāl is claimed to have had debates with orthodox religious figures, and preached a “middle path” between various sects. By 1579, Dādū Dayāl and his four children/disciples moved to Amber. According to Dādu panthī tradition, Dādū Dayāl visited the court of Akbar on the invitation of Bhagavantdās, Kachvāhā ruler of Amber. He became increasingly nomadic, moving to KaraṛālāNaraina (where he had received land). In 1603 he died and his body was left in the wilderness instead of being cremated or buried in Hindu or Muslim tradition.

Dadu Dayal later moved to Naraina, near Jaipur Rajasthan, where he gathered around himself a group of followers, forming a sect that became known as the Dadupanth.

Dadupanthis are one of the 7 martial akharas of Vaishnavite sampradaya of Hindus. Vaishnavism has following four major sects:

  • Sri founded by Ramananda, Dadupanthis are one of those 7 martial akharas of Vaishnavite in the sec of Ramanada.
  • Brahma founded by Madhava.
  • Ridra founded by Vishnusuvamin
  • Sanakadi founded by Nimbarka.

Followers of Vaishnavism are also called Bairagi or Vairagi. Among the Bairagi, those who became part of the military akharas were organised in the 7 akharas founding dates of most of which are unclear. Each of the akhara accepted members from all 4 sects of vaishnavism. Bairagi military akharas generally did not follow the prohibition against eating meat or taking of narcotics.

Dadu Anubhav Vani

Dadu’s compositions in Braj language were recorded by his disciple Rajjab and are known as the Dadu Anubhav Vani, a compilation of 5,000 verses. Another disciple, Janagopal, wrote the earliest biography of Dadu. Dadu alludes to spontaneous (sahaja) bless in his songs. Much of the imagery used is similar to that used by Kabir, and to that used by earlier Sahajiya Buddhists and Nath yogis. Dadu believed that devotion to God should transcend religious or sectarian affiliation, and that devotees should become non-sectarian or “Nipakh”. He has something to say about that:

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