The mine of joy, the supreme devotee, Ras Khan, whose heart was filled with immense devotion to God and Krishna, was born in 1578 in Pihani, Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh, into a Pathan family. In his childhood, he was named Syed Ibrahim, and his family was also devoted to God. He received plenty of affection and luxury from his parents. Due to his religious family background, Ras Khan developed a religious curiosity from an early age. According to some Vaishnavas, Ras Khan was deeply infatuated with a girl from a Baniya family. One day, he overheard someone saying, “One should have such love for God as Ras Khan has for that Baniya girl.” This statement shook him to the core. A longing for divine love awakened in him, and he left his home.

On his journey, he came across a place where a Bhagavad Katha (story of God) was being narrated. The storyteller on the Vyasa seat was describing the divine pastimes of Lord Krishna in a very simple and beautiful manner, which touched Ras Khan’s heart. Suddenly, his eyes fell on a picture of Lord Shyamsundar, and he remained transfixed. He gazed at it for a long time, his eyes unable to move away from the captivating image of the Lord. Like iron attracted to a magnet, Ras Khan’s heart was drawn to the enchanting form of Manmohan (another name for Krishna). Even after the story ended and the audience left, he was oblivious, lost in his gaze. The storyteller noticed the extraordinary devotion of the boy and asked, “Child, what are you gazing at?” The boy humbly asked, “Pandit Ji, is that picture really of Lord Krishna?”

The Pandit replied, “Yes, this is the picture of that charming thief of hearts.” Ras Khan’s eyes filled with the beauty of the Lord, and he exclaimed, “Can anyone be so beautiful and captivating?” The Pandit said, “He who created such a beautiful universe must indeed be beautiful and captivating.” Ras Khan then said with great love, “Pandit Ji, this enchanting face has entered my heart. I now wish to see this face in person. Please tell me where I can find Him, so I can quickly meet Him and calm my heart’s yearning.” The Pandit replied, “Brother, He is the hero of Braj and can be found only in Braj.”

Ras Khan immediately set out for Braj. When the heart is filled with longing for the Lord, nothing else matters. Upon touching the soil of Braj, Ras Khan rolled in it, cleansing his heart’s impurities and shedding tears of love. The cool touch of the holy water of the Yamuna filled his heart with a surge of love. The melodious sound of Krishna’s name resonating from every corner of Vrindavan delighted him. Vrindavan felt like heaven to him, and he expressed this divine experience in his verses:
“Leaving aside the kingdom of all three worlds,
Ras Khan would happily herd Nanda’s cows.
Forever may my eyes behold the forests and ponds of Braj.
Who needs a golden palace when you can have a grove of kadamba trees?”

One day, Ras Khan desired to visit GovardhanDham and immediately set out. Upon reaching there, he joyfully entered the temple to have darshan of Srinath Ji. The priest stopped him, saying, “Where are you going? Your attire is different; you cannot enter the temple.” Ras Khan wondered what kind of restriction this was, what the attire had to do with devotion. The priest insisted, “I don’t want to hear anything. You cannot enter the temple.” Ras Khan replied, “Brother, I am also a human being. Like everyone else, I was born from a woman’s womb. Just like you, God has given me the right to worship and have darshan. How can you deny me this?” The priest stubbornly said, “Go tell your arguments to someone else. I will not let a non-believer enter the temple.” He then pushed Ras Khan off the temple steps.

Ras Khan was deeply saddened and surprised by such behavior in Braj. His love for Krishna was overwhelming, and he cried out to his beloved Lord in his heart. From the next day, he gave up food and water, yearning for darshan. The Lord, who is never unaware of His devotee’s pain, could not bear His devotee’s suffering. The devotee-loving Lord Krishna appeared in person, apologized for the priest’s misbehavior, and instructed Ras Khan to go to GoswamiVitthalNath Ji.

Following his beloved Lord’s command, Ras Khan immediately went to Goswami Ji. Goswami Ji made him bathe in the GovindKund and initiated him. Under the guidance of the true guru, Ras Khan’s devotion flowed out in the form of poetry. Now, he spent his life in Braj, describing Lord Krishna’s pastimes in his verses. Considering Krishna as his only friend, relative, and companion, he composed such beautiful poetry that he truly became a “mine of joy.” His only desire was:
“If I am to be human, let me be Ras Khan, living in the village of Gokul among the cowherds.
If I am to be an animal, let me be a cow in Nanda’s herd.
If I am to be a mountain, let me be Govardhan, which lifted the umbrella to protect Indra.
If I am to be a bird, let me dwell on the banks of the Yamuna in the Kadamba tree.”

Ras Khan longed to be born again and again in Braj, whether as a human, an animal, a mountain, or a bird. This poet and devotee of the highest order completed his journey to his eternal abode at the age of 45 while meditating on the Lord. An extraordinary event occurred: the Lord Krishna, whom many yogis and great devotees long to see, personally performed Ras Khan’s last rites with His own hands, enhancing the glory of His devotee. Blessed is such a great Ras Khan, who had the ultimate fortune of the Lord’s grace and vision.

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